This is a great song, makes me wanna dance.
This is a great song, makes me wanna dance.
so awsome, I wonder why it's so unknown!
Good job DjBen. I like this. thank you for making this. It's very good.
Thank you alo t, you made my day :D
great job!!!
you did nice work on this. I would like to see more.
Thanks a lot man!
your a god
your a god of awsomeness and music making opposite. I worship you
Hey thanks. Wow, I don't know about "god" myself, but okay :D
Your getting on my christmas-card list (if I had one atleast :P)!
... nice. I can't really think of how it can improve, should be in the t5otw
Do you really think?
Thank you!
if it truely has sbb in it
this is awsome!!! I can't really think of how it can improve... good job.
It truly does have SBB in it. :D
took 1.5 days to render???
wow... thats alot of time, especially for a four minute song. wow.
No it took 1.5 days to make. It took about 4 hours to render, mostly due to FL's idiotic method of rendering soundfonts from a file.
yay! odin! that dude whose ravens ripped out one of his eyes! and also just a qustion, but are the diffrent viking languages very simmilar? beacause I know some danish, which is close to norwedgian, but jeig kan snakke dansk. just like you can speak norweigen.
Thanks man =) Yeah they're very similar. Im Norwegian, and I can understand both swedish and danish without problems. We cant speak danish and swedish CORRECTLY though, because the accents are so different. But the written language is pretty much identical except for some strange differences. No problem. It is also very easy for norwegians to learn english and german. All very similar. Iceland too actually, but their dialect is the closest to viking you get, so its a little hard. Anyway, if you speak danish - you can talk to norwegians. And here comes a little test.
Dette her er skrevet på norsk. Så hvis du kan snakke dansk som du sier, så kan du forstå hva jeg sier nå :) Takk for anmeldelsen - jeg elska den! :)
good job mr.random
remember me from the intro collab? well anyways goood song, 5/5 10/10
notice how every body is giving you 10?
well keep up the good work, and as usuall, awesome song!!!! 10/10 for you making a great song
If everyone is giving me 10 why do all my songs get 0-bombed :c
Joined on 2/17/08