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mikkim's News

Posted by mikkim - December 26th, 2010

Exactly that.

Posted by mikkim - October 4th, 2009

here's the story:

"It was the same old routine of getting there. The flight attendants seeing my tee shirt and shorts and saying "you do know this plane is taking you to the antarctic, right sir?", and I would say "I've been to the antarctic, and I have been going to there and back about 5 million times already. I know where this plane takes me, and I know what I'm doing." Then the attendants would say that I had too much to drink and that the alcohol supply to this row would be cut off. I wouldn't really care, I never drink. Too disgusting for me. Then I would land and meet up with my fellow cryogenicists. Those are people who study cryogenics, or, simply put, study how things work at low temperatures. For these specific people, it would be how the element crystals work, well the water ones that is. Any other crystals just lose their power and act like any other crystal that can't exert it's power, they stop glowing and become nearly indestructible."

"Unlike the way I get to the laboratory, every body thinks I'm completely sane and have seen proof that I am. I really started up all these experiments about water crystals at low temperature. I was naturally infused with water crystals, but I kept on messing around with cryogenics and froze myself. Well, froze myself in the sense that I was at 0.0125 degrees kelvin. But the water crystals let me move around freely as if I was room temperature. Plus, my water crystal which I always wore as a talisman acted different and gave power over cold and ice as opposed to water. It was then that the usage of ice in the wheel instead of water was begun."

Posted by mikkim - September 26th, 2009

So me and zcaar are making the awesomest trilogy, which we call the super-naturalist, and it follows two people, Sam Masters and Max Masters, who are fighting an evil organization called the Red Ravens. I can't give any more plot details or else the idea might be stolen. :)


Posted by mikkim - July 13th, 2009

square root and equal division of rectangles. If you want to have a rectangle where you can split it into n of the rectangles scaled down and turned pi/2 radians, the ratio will be 1/sqrt(n). This is beacause if the fourmula 1/x = x/n ; x= sqrt(n) because first you divide x by its self, then by itself again, then you will have its reciprocal. and beacause you divided by itself 2 times, you are dividing by its square, so n = x^2, and x = sqrt(n)

proof in the image (the ratio is 17:12 (roughly ((sqrt(2)):1))

sqrt and equal division

Posted by mikkim - June 12th, 2009

really!!! just used paint and made a gridline, then using the eraser tool, destroyed walls to make a maze.

easy to make maze

Posted by mikkim - March 21st, 2009

you know that puzzle were there are 2 boxes, one is empty, the other has $1,000 in it, and there are two people standing next to the boxes,one lies all the time, one never lies? well, you just need to ask person 1 "would person 2 say he is a lier" and then run over to person 2 and ask "is box one empty"

if they say the same thing, open box 2
if they dont say the same thing, open box 1

Posted by mikkim - March 8th, 2009

this kinda did happen in real life, and it is me who is in the story so:

Once upon a thyme there was a kid who was told to write 10 sentences. He got so angry that he had to write the ten sentences that he threw a fitting-fit. He ran under the table and his gram yelled at him like he had just eaten his brother's b-day cake a day before his brother's b-day. His brother started trying to tell him that he was going to be in so much trouble with his parents, but he ignored him and got in a fight with him. He got hit in the ear so badly he ran up to his room and barricaded his door with his bed. He sat there for a while but then got on to his computer. He started playing a game called "the game" before his dad came in and told him to turn off the computer. He had a talk with his father and he told him to write the 10 sentences. He resisted until the next day, in which he finally wrote the sentences. He wrote...
"Once upon a thyme there was a kid who was told to write 10 sentences. He got so angry that he had to he threw a fitting-fit. He ran under the table and his gram yelled at him like he had just his brother's b-day cake a day b4 his brother's b-day. His brother started trying to tell him that he was going to be in so much trouble with his parents, but he ignored him and got in a fight with him. He got hit in the ear so badly he ran up to his room and barricaded his door with his bed. He sat there for a while but then got on to his computer. He started playing a game called "the game" before his dad came in and told him to turn off the computer. He had a talk with his father and he told him to write the 10 sentences. He resisted until the next day, in which he finally wrote the sentences. He wrote..."

Posted by mikkim - March 1st, 2009

101010 converted from binary to decimal is __ __

I finaly figured out the ultimate question!!!!

Posted by mikkim - February 27th, 2009

og så kan du, hvis du læser dette ... (ja jeg er ikke 100% god til dansk, men jeg har et grundlæggende vocab.)(titlen var tilfældet med en oversætter, men Jeg ikke sige det samme om resten.)


can du snakke dansk? jeig can.

Posted by mikkim - January 19th, 2009

the slots for the collab are:

mutate melody collab list.