great song!
good job!
great song!
good job!
soo musch is reused from flight!
Another good song... when looped it really gives a great impression of flight... the hawk at the end and the crash thing at the start... just like you put the snare right after the hawk...
cross-country dnb...
... haha funy pun! It's like dnb with instruments that would generely only appear in a certain genre... :)
why you hate this song
its good it asome dont call your own songs retarded beacause well it's retarded to call your own work retarded especially when its uber good
so youre going to sell this
and take it off of ng? (hey flash 8 open up) or will you ? if someone makes a flash movie that uses it and submits it then how would you remove it?
three months since I heard it
and it is awsome I cant belive I didn't add it three months ago but who cares greats ong
t5otw asomeness
I likes you did good
t5otw asomeness
I liked liked it alot make more ! your good!
I've got more coming, I just want this song to get the attention that I believe it deserves :) Thanks for the review!
this isn't even a remix
taking a midi and making one of the instuments be 8 bit is barley even 8 bit and you didn't place down a single note on your tracker. when i make remixes I take the main part of the midi and isolate it and and many other beats on it so the only part of the song is the main part wich i actully modifiey to fit my scren well i modifyit so that its not the same bass line and i move it I made a more awsome, 8 bit vesion of it too and its not a remix either
Joined on 2/17/08